Albania, DURRES, DURRES, Rr.: PLAZH/13

SBT Group Synergy Building Technologies

Synergy Building Technology

Office address

Albania, DURRES, DURRES, Rr.: PLAZH/13

E-mail address

Phone number

+355 68 319 7823

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2 + 1 =

Smarteh Living Systems

Solu­tions for Smart Building Automation

Smarteh Living systems

Smarteh is a team of inno­vators, devel­opers, vision­aries and pro­cessing equipment man­u­fac­turers that can provide a wide range of solu­tions, from a single con­troller to an entire turnkey solution.

The guiding prin­ciple of our work is the passion for inno­va­tions in tech­nology. We would like to make our service com­pre­hensive by offering a com­plete pro­fes­sional and tech­nical support.

Annually we develop and produce thou­sands of con­trollers mainly installed in large cruise ships, oil plat­forms and luxury hotels all over the world.

Since year 2000 we develop and produce elec­tronic control and reg­u­lation systems for air con­di­tioning, indus­trial and building automation. Through our research and devel­opment we created a high-tech­nology pro­gram­mable logic con­trollers that comply various appli­ca­tions and envi­ron­ments.

Smarteh in the long term commits to follow the vision of the orga­ni­zation, achieve the set goals and con­tin­u­ously improve. Quality in Smarteh means that the products are in accor­dance with require­ments and agreed time­lines, suc­cess­fully achieved financial plan, employee and cos­tumer sat­is­faction. Care for the envi­ronment in our orga­ni­zation means pre­venting and min­i­mizing the neg­ative impacts of our activ­ities on the envi­ronment, envi­ron­mental pro­tection and envi­ron­mental pos­itive impact in the local com­munity, which means the work action done in the well-being of the envi­ronment.

The orga­ni­zation takes care directly for its own energy effi­ciency with appro­priate mea­sures (recu­per­ation, pellets, etc) and indi­rectly with the energy effi­ciency of the users of our products, which we develop to con­tribute to lower energy con­sumption. Iden­tified are external and internal issues that may affect the achievement of our goals. The orga­ni­zation under­takes to act in accor­dance with the laws and reg­u­la­tions and other envi­ron­mental require­ments that we have agreed upon.

Smarteh Product Range

Logic Controllers

Building Automation

LCD panels

Building Automation


Building Automation

Logic Controllers

Industrial Automation

LCD panels

Industrial Automation


Industrial Automation

Smarteh Solutions

HVAC control

The Smarteh Pro­gram­mable Con­troller enables energy-effi­cient control for heating, ven­ti­lation and air con­di­tioning appli­ca­tions in building. Inde­pendent of whether the desired tem­per­ature is given by the user, auto­mat­i­cally according to the room usage or cen­trally from the facility man­agement, the con­troller reacts accord­ingly. Exactly the required room climate – simply, pre­cisely and eco­nom­i­cally.

Lighting control

Smarteh com­pre­hensive automation solution offers unbeatable flex­i­bility in lighting control system. Intel­ligent building control allows all lighting-related func­tions to be com­bined in a single instal­lation solution. To further enhance guest comfort, Smarteh Pro­gram­mable Logic Con­troller (PLC) can use scenes, time schedules, push­buttons, switches and sensors to control any kind of lighting including emer­gency lights.

Access control

The access devices as key-card RFID readers/holders, elec­trical locks etc. of the Smarteh access control are directly con­nected to Smarteh LPC‑2 con­trollers, thus the same automation equipment and capa­bil­ities for func­tioning is used as for all other automation systems. So the access func­tioning can be inte­grated inside the con­trollers for the rooms, offices, halls or other systems, that min­i­mizes the number of con­trollers, instal­la­tions, cost of the equipment and sim­plifies the main­te­nance.

System integration

Smarteh can provide you turn key solution for any of your selected building or indus­trial automation project. Smarteh tech­nical support team is ready to help you with con­sulting regarding most suitable Smarteh automation solution and elec­trical drawings for your project. ACAD and CADDY libraries of Smarteh automation equipment are available on our website.

Bluetooth Mesh

Blue­tooth mesh is a latest wireless com­mu­ni­cation tech­nology that allows you to create large-scale net­works with hun­dreds or thou­sands of devices. Blue­tooth Mesh is suitable for con­trolling, mon­i­toring, and automating systems in buildings and industry. It meets the most demanding com­mercial and indus­trial require­ments, where reli­a­bility, safety, and per­for­mance are crucial.

Access Manager

The access system is one of the top pri­ority security seg­ments in the hotels and other business buildings. Imple­menting the reliable online contr­olled locking system, the users – guests will feel safe and com­fortable and the building man­agement will have pow­erful tool for com­plete super­vision over the access in the building.

Smarteh References

Radission Hotel&SPA


Hotel Rila Borovets


International Hotel&Casino


Nevis Resort


Grand Hotel Lviv


Park Hotel&SPA

North Mace­donia