Albania, DURRES, DURRES, Rr.: PLAZH/13

SBT Group Synergy Building Technologies

Synergy Building Technology

Office address

Albania, DURRES, DURRES, Rr.: PLAZH/13

E-mail address

Phone number

+355 68 319 7823

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4 + 5 =

Salto Systems

World­class Wire–free Building Security


Since 2001, SALTO has been driven by our vision of cre­ating world class access control systems that are simple and effi­cient to use. We give you the ability to control all your access needs and secure all your doors without the need for complex and expensive wiring, pro­viding total control over who is able to access what, where and when at all times.

Having rev­o­lu­tionized access control around the world in sectors where security is critical – from air­ports and healthcare to edu­cation and hotels – we con­tinue to innovate to ensure we deliver the most advanced and flexible elec­tronic locking solu­tions in the market.

SALTO can equip you with world class, keyless and future-proof access control that delivers sub­stantial ben­efits.

SALTO Virtual Network

The SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) pro­vides the flex­i­bility for an access control system to grow from a small number of doors and users to a large number of doors and users as required. It allows stand-alone locks to read, receive and write infor­mation via an encrypted and secure data-on-card system that uti­lizes the capa­bil­ities of RFID read/write tech­nology.

In SVN all access data is stored on and dis­tributed by its oper­ating smartcard. When pre­senting a smartcard to an offline stand-alone door, not only does this control access rights to that door but thanks to two-way com­mu­ni­cation, the door also writes data like blacklist infor­mation or battery status back to the smartcard. The smartcard then transmits this infor­mation back to the server via online wall readers that are able to update and receive infor­mation from the cards anytime and any­where in the building.

SALTO Wireless

To further the level of security, SALTO has developed the XS4 Wireless online solution. It is designed for appli­ca­tions that need high level real-time access control. SALTO Wireless can be used as an inde­pendent system or as a com­plement to SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) and hard­wired IP solu­tions. It con­nects battery-powered elec­tronic escutcheons and cylinders by means of low power radio trans­ceivers (2.4 GHz).

These interact with XS4 gateways, which are con­nected by Ethernet/WiFi to the central man­agement com­puter. With a single click of a mouse you can con­figure or make changes
to the network in real-time. You can also download audit trail infor­mation for real-time control, delete users remotely and securely, collect battery status for main­te­nance and much
more, all from a single PC and all in real-time.

Salto Product Range

Electronic Locks

Electronic Cylinders

Lockers Locks

Electronic Padlock

Wall Readers

Access Controllers

Motorized Locks

Emergency Exit Devices

Mortise Locks

Cylindrical Latch Locks

Salto Solutions


One com­plete access control solution, according to Cus­tomer needs and wirefree.


User cards / mobiles as a scure way to grant and denny the access rights, track mov­ments and timetables for highest security.


Get control on every­thing what is going on in your building in every moment, in real time.


Platform offers unri­valled security and max­imises flex­i­bility and scal­a­bility, com­bining with man­agement tools.


Flex­ibile access rights man­agement, from any place, from any device.


Secure and confdent solution, adapted to any door and access point type.

Salto Business Cases

MBG Group

Paderborn, Germany

HUB Australia

Sidney, Aus­tralia

The Exchange 106

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Princeton University

New Jersy, USA