Albania, DURRES, DURRES, Rr.: PLAZH/13

SBT Group Synergy Building Technologies

Synergy Building Technology

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Albania, DURRES, DURRES, Rr.: PLAZH/13

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+355 68 319 7823

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Progea srl.

Flexible Super­vision

Movicon 11

Movicon 11 is the secure and reliable solution for all those com­panies needing to develop and maintain super­visory, control and data acqui­sition software appli­ca­tions with operator interface where data can be accessed remotely or from mobile systems.

With exclusive “XML-Inside” tech­nology the rev­o­lu­tionary Movicon 11 inno­va­tions offer a com­pre­hensive devel­opment envi­ronment for man­aging HMI, SCADA, Logic and sta­tis­tical pro­duction data analysis appli­ca­tions enabling design engi­neers to min­imize devel­opment time and provide users with pow­erful, open, flexible and easy to maintain solu­tions.

Movicon 11 tech­nology embodies the excel­lence of SCADA/HMI plat­forms, with unri­valled trans­parency, sim­plicity and per­for­mances. As the Movicon 11 is one of a kind, com­pletely based on XML stan­dards and well estab­lished tech­nologies such as Web Ser­vices, SVG graphics, OPC, SQL, ODBC, .Net as well as Java tech­nology and APPs for Web Client solu­tions.

Movicon 11 is a standard software for all those working in indus­trial automation, remote control, util­ities and building automation. A truly uni­versal Scada/HMI platform, inde­pendent from hardware, adaptable and deployable absolutely any­where. Movicon offers an all-in-one platform that can be used at any level whether HMI operator panels and/or mobile devices based on WinCE, or per­sonal com­puters in large indus­trial plant systems with client/server redun­dancy archi­tecture and con­nec­tivity to any PLC, network and indus­trial or civil fieldbus.

Scada-system screen

Integrated solutions

for your every need


Movicon 11 is an all-in-one software platform that works with Win­dowsTM 10 (Win32/64) to Windows CE. It is the only platform your company will ever need. It is perfect to use for micro appli­ca­tions in HMI ter­minals and medium-to-large ‘enter­prise’ super­vision appli­ca­tions for processes at man­u­fac­turing plants.


Movicon 11 is com­pletely based on XML. Thus projects are simple XML files, which can be opened and edited with any other editor and are fully open to inte­gration and cus­tomization with the world of Windows appli­ca­tions. Projects can also be grouped into hier­ar­chical struc­tures then dis­tributed and shared.


Movicon 11 is com­pletely based on standard tech­nologies to ensure that your invest­ments are safe­guarded. The built-in XML, ODBC,OPC, VBA, SOAP, Web Ser­vices, TCP-IP and SQL tech­nologies guar­antee easy data access and trans­parency.


Movicon 11 guar­antees maximum data security. Although based on XML, the projects can still be encrypted with 128-bit coding algo­rithms. The platform is FDA 21 CFR Part 11 making it easy to create FDA ready appli­ca­tions with great ease. The user and password manager guar­antees safe access by pro­viding 1024 levels and/or16 areas, while the built-in redun­dancy feature makes Movicon 11 ideal for ‘mission critical’ appli­ca­tions.

Excellent Graphics

Movicon 11 offers a vec­torial graphics engine based on SVG (Scalable Vec­torial Graphics), with graphics that not only support multi-touch but are also inde­pendent from screen along with a great variety of libraries con­taining a gen­erous range of pre­con­figured objects and symbols, all of which can be cus­tomized using Power Tem­plate tech­nology.


Movicon 11 enhances per­for­mances by renewing its “exception-based” tech­nology and opti­mizes real-time data con­cepts. The his­torical logging fea­tures offer open, high-per­forming and reliable solu­tions.

Mission Critical

Movicon 11 inte­grates redun­dancy func­tions to ensure oper­ation in any con­dition for mission critical appli­ca­tions. Hot backup and syn­chro­nization of dynamic data and his­tor­icals are com­pletely auto­matic and high per­forming.


Movicon 11 includes a native library con­taining a com­plete range of com­mu­ni­cation drivers that come with all the essential fea­tures including an auto­matic Tag importer, remote con­nec­tivity via modem, multi-station concept for point-to-point pro­tocols, bridging concept for tele­ser­vices in PLCs and instant cable-testing. The drivers guar­antee full con­fig­ura­bility with the option to cus­tomize on event com­mu­ni­ca­tions. The SDK and shared memory driver guar­antee openness for the autonomous cre­ation of your own drivers. Movicon 11 also includes a free driver library as well as full con­nec­tivity via OPC as either Client or Server.

Web-Enabled Architecture

Movicon11 offers the best web client tech­nology. Due to its inno­v­ative archi­tecture based on HTML 5 and APP for iOS and Android, the server offers instant access using Internet browsers on any PC platform, smart­phone or tablet (e.g. iPhone, iPads, Android). Multi-user ability, bi-direc­tion­ality and security are all guar­anteed to enable cost reduc­tions and main­te­nance reduc­tions as well. The servers are scalable from Windows 10 to Windows Embedded and Windows CE.

Efficient Networking

Movicon 11 has sophis­ti­cated net­working tech­nology that is capable of instantly con­necting any HMI or SCADA station with one another in the same network. Any Movicon appli­cation can be a network server for other sta­tions, ( such as WinCE or Win10). It takes just a few clicks to connect client sta­tions. Effi­ciency and per­for­mances are guar­anteed by event-driven tech­nology and other emergent and mul­ti­platform tech­nologies such as SOAP (Simple Object Access Pro­tocol) and SOA (Service Ori­ented Appli­cation).

Movicon projects can be used as server and client either indi­vid­ually or both simul­ta­ne­ously. Client projects can also be dis­tributed and run locally on the client while residing on the main server.

The Movicon net­working is adaptable to any enter­prise network inte­gration according to network admin­is­trator require­ments: TCP-IP as well as UDP and HTTP pro­tocols are all sup­ported. The net­working feature auto­mat­i­cally manages remote con­nec­tions via RAS. Movicon 11 inte­grates the web ser­vices tech­nology, con­senting to support infor­mation dis­tri­b­ution to public net­works (over the Internet)