Albania, DURRES, DURRES, Rr.: PLAZH/13

SBT Group Synergy Building Technologies

Synergy Building Technology

Office address

Albania, DURRES, DURRES, Rr.: PLAZH/13

E-mail address

Phone number

+355 68 319 7823

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SBT Group for Building Automation

HVAC control

The Smarteh Pro­gram­mable Con­troller enables energy-effi­cient control for heating, ven­ti­lation and air con­di­tioning appli­ca­tions in building. Inde­pendent of whether the desired tem­per­ature is given by the user, auto­mat­i­cally according to the room usage or cen­trally from the facility man­agement, the con­troller reacts accord­ingly. Exactly the required room climate – simply, pre­cisely and eco­nom­i­cally.

Lighting control

Smarteh com­pre­hensive automation solution offers unbeatable flex­i­bility in lighting control system. Intel­ligent building control allows all lighting-related func­tions to be com­bined in a single instal­lation solution. To further enhance guest comfort, Smarteh Pro­gram­mable Logic Con­troller (PLC) can use scenes, time schedules, push­buttons, switches and sensors to control any kind of lighting including emer­gency lights.

Access control

The access devices as key-card RFID readers/holders, elec­trical locks etc. of the Smarteh access control are directly con­nected to Smarteh LPC‑2 con­trollers, thus the same automation equipment and capa­bil­ities for func­tioning is used as for all other automation systems. So the access func­tioning can be inte­grated inside the con­trollers for the rooms, offices, halls or other systems, that min­i­mizes the number of con­trollers, instal­la­tions, cost of the equipment and sim­plifies the main­te­nance.

System integration

Smarteh can provide you turn key solution for any of your selected building or indus­trial automation project. Smarteh tech­nical support team is ready to help you with con­sulting regarding most suitable Smarteh automation solution and elec­trical drawings for your project. ACAD and CADDY libraries of Smarteh automation equipment are available on our website.

Bluetooth Mesh

Blue­tooth mesh is a latest wireless com­mu­ni­cation tech­nology that allows you to create large-scale net­works with hun­dreds or thou­sands of devices. Blue­tooth Mesh is suitable for con­trolling, mon­i­toring, and automating systems in buildings and industry. It meets the most demanding com­mercial and indus­trial require­ments, where reli­a­bility, safety, and per­for­mance are crucial.

Access Manager

The access system is one of the top pri­ority security seg­ments in the hotels and other business buildings. Imple­menting the reliable online contr­olled locking system, the users – guests will feel safe and com­fortable and the building man­agement will have pow­erful tool for com­plete super­vision over the access in the building.